Tag: Teacher Tips

4 Tips for Building Positive Relationships With Your Students
The role of the teacher has changed so much in my 13 years in the profession. Teachers find themselves constantly being asked to do more with less. One of the many things teachers do is build meaningful relationships with all students. You know how the saying goes, “Kids don’t care what you know until they […]

Q&A: How Funding Professional Development Creates a Stronger Classroom
Kindergarten teacher Janice has raised more than $5,600 on AdoptAClassroom.org from individual donors and Spotlight funds in order to support her classroom needs. She purchased much-needed classroom supplies, but she also used the donations to pay for professional development courses to help her effectively utilize the materials she ordered. We hear from teachers and principals […]

Six Tips for Communicating Student Progress to Parents
Mumble the words “report card” and watch teachers shudder with dread. When report cards are due, we dash madly to our school-issued computers to compile weeks’ worth of data into a single number or letter. We work into the night. Afterward, we struggle with the feeling that it wasn’t enough. The truth is that it’s […]

Mental Health in the Classroom: Resources for Elementary Teachers
Millions of our nation’s students are dealing with mental health related problems, according to NPR Ed. When students need help, teachers are often the first responders. So, we talked to Melody Stiles, a third-grade teacher certified in special education, to learn some things teachers can do right now to support the mental health needs of […]

Tips for Teachers: How to Make a Video to Apply for Funding or Thank Your Sponsor
In recent years, we’ve asked teachers to create videos to apply for funding or thank sponsors. While we don’t often require videos, we do highly encourage teachers to create them. Videos are a great way to connect us and your supporters directly to you and your classroom. When we hear directly from you, we’re more […]

Holiday Fundraising Ideas for Teachers
AdoptAClassroom.org wants to make sure that teachers have the supplies they need to support their students year-round. No matter how well-stocked classrooms are in September, consumables like pencils, construction paper, and crayons are used so quickly that many classrooms need these supplies restocked by December. Luckily, this timing lines up with the season of giving. […]

Classroom Crowdfunding: Back-to-School Social Media Toolkit
We receive amazing success stories from teachers who raise hundreds to thousands of dollars crowdfunding on AdoptAClassroom.org. When we asked our veteran fundraisers to share their advice for those new to crowdfunding, they all agreed that social media is the key to reaching more donors. To help teachers who are new to AdoptAClassroom.org, we created […]

New School Year Resolutions: 5 Self-Care Tips
The end of summer brings many New School Year Resolutions. As teachers, we give so much of ourselves to our students. But let’s be honest, teacher burnout is real. I’d like to share my top five self-care tips for enhancing your school year. 1. Disconnect Daily At the beginning of each school year, have a […]

Classroom Crowdfunding: #ArmMeWith Social Media Toolkit
We receive amazing success stories from teachers who raise hundreds to thousands of dollars crowdfunding on AdoptAClassroom.org. When we asked our veteran fundraisers to share their advice for those new to crowdfunding, many of them gave the same answer: Utilize social media. Join the movement! Teachers have proven to be social media trendsetters, starting recent […]