Tag: Teacher Tips

Six Social Media Tips for Classroom Fundraising
Social media is a great fundraising tool for teachers who need to raise donations for school supplies. Two thirds of our top fundraising teachers on AdoptAClassroom.org used social media and/or email to ask for donations. We’ve received helpful social media tips from teachers who have successfully raised donations on AdoptAClassroom.org, so we’re sharing them with […]

Classroom Must Haves: Feb. Marketplace Update
If you have donations in your AdoptAClassroom.org account, now is a great time to start shopping for the classroom must-haves that you need for the second half of the school year. Whether you’re teaching from home, in the classroom, or a hybrid of both, we have the learning tools you’re looking for. New to AdoptAClassroom.org? […]

Teacher Giveaway: Teaching STEM During COVID-19
This giveaway has concluded. Visit our Teacher Funding Opportunities page to learn more about current and upcoming educator funding opportunities from AdoptAClassroom.org. Teaching STEM during COVID-19 hasn’t been easy. Teachers have had to find new ways to engage students in hands-on STEM lessons remotely, or in socially distanced classrooms. AdoptAClassroom.org and our friends at Lenovo are bringing […]

January Marketplace Update: Classroom Essentials for the New Year
It’s the start of a new year, and many teachers need to restock their classroom essentials. If you have donations in your AdoptAClassroom.org account, now is a great time to start classroom shopping for the second half of the school year. What To Do After Spending Your Donations Keep an eye out for funding opportunities. […]

Free Distance Education Tools During COVID-19
During this challenging time for educators and their students, AdoptAClassroom.org will share distance education tips and resources that we hear about that may be helpful for you. This is not advertising. We are not making money off of this, and we are not endorsing products, services, or companies. We are sharing things that might be […]

Teacher Giveaway: Join Our #ClassroomWellness Twitter Chat
This giveaway has concluded. Visit our Teacher Funding Opportunities page to learn more about current and upcoming educator funding opportunities from AdoptAClassroom.org. Teaching during COVID-19 is anything but easy. Our nation’s teachers are working harder than ever to ensure their students continue to learn safely this school year.Are you a PreK-12 teacher looking for classroom wellness tips […]

Check Out Our New Updates Feed on Classroom and School Pages
We’ve launched a new feature on AdoptAClassroom.org’s fundraising pages for teachers and schools! We’re excited to announce that we’ve launched a new feature on the AdoptAClassroom.org classroom and school fundraising pages! Educators can now post updates, photos, and videos to their classroom page to thank their donors and keep them informed about classroom needs, supplies […]

Expert Teacher Grant Writing Tips
Through AdoptAClassroom.org and other websites, teachers are often asked to write grants for the classroom items they need. Former teacher and grant writing expert Bejanae Kareem of BK International Education Consultancy explains how writing grants helped her when she was teaching and gives her teacher grant writing tips. AdoptAClassroom.org (AAC): What is your background as […]

Teacher Wishlist: How To Get Started
If you have a long teacher wishlist of items for your classroom, you’re in luck. AdoptAClassroom.org makes it easy to quickly ask for the school supplies you and your students need. Why Should You Create Your Teacher Wishlist on AdoptAClassroom.org? It’s fast and easy. Set up your classroom page in less than 10 minutes. Once […]