Tag: teacher tip

Tips for Getting the Best Shipping Rate on the AdoptAClassroom.org Marketplace
The AdoptAClassroom marketplace is a one-stop-shop for educational resources including books, office supplies, flexible seating, musical instruments and more. Our extensive online marketplace is made possible by our vendor partners who are essential in supporting us as a nonprofit organization. Their support also allows our online donors to give 100% directly to their favorite teacher […]

5 Tips for Tidying Up Your Classroom the KonMari Way
You’ve probably heard of the recent decluttering trend, “KonMari,” or tried it yourself. While many are cleaning up their homes, teachers are also transforming their classrooms. Whether you follow the KonMari Method or do your own thing, tidying up in the classroom benefits teachers and students. Our favorite aspect of the KonMari Method is to […]

Tips for Teachers: How to Take Photos of Your Students and Protect Their Privacy
We often ask teachers who receive donations on our site to send in photos of their classrooms and students as a way to thank their generous corporate sponsors and donors. Photos connect your supporters directly to your classroom. When they see the positive impact they had on your students, they’re motivated to give again! We […]

Six Tips for Communicating Student Progress to Parents
Mumble the words “report card” and watch teachers shudder with dread. When report cards are due, we dash madly to our school-issued computers to compile weeks’ worth of data into a single number or letter. We work into the night. Afterward, we struggle with the feeling that it wasn’t enough. The truth is that it’s […]

Mental Health in the Classroom: Resources for Elementary Teachers
Millions of our nation’s students are dealing with mental health related problems, according to NPR Ed. When students need help, teachers are often the first responders. So, we talked to Melody Stiles, a third-grade teacher certified in special education, to learn some things teachers can do right now to support the mental health needs of […]

Self-Care Tips: From Teachers, To Teachers!
We don’t need to tell you how demanding your job can be. Between grading, lesson-planning, and more than a little bit of crisis management, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. So we decided to ask teachers how they practice self-care – Here are some of the top responses! 1. Make time for yourself “I make sure […]

Introducing Our Newest Vendor: Your Dollar Buys!
We are excited to announce our newest vendor, Your Dollar Buys! Who are they? Your Dollar Buys is a family-owned business focused on producing and sourcing wholesale items at a discounted price. They work directly with manufacturers in order to get you the best possible deal. What do they offer? Your Dollar Buys offers […]

Teachers2Teachers: How to Engage Tough-to-Reach Parents
When it comes to giving advice about teaching, there’s no one better to ask than your peers. That’s why we’ve started Teacher2Teachers, a space where you can ask hard questions and share knowledge. This month, Jana had a great question, and you all had even better answers. How can you engage a parent who doesn’t […]

Share Your Teacher Wisdom for a Chance to Win $25
At AdoptAClassroom.org, we give teachers a hand by helping bring supplies into your classrooms. But we also aim to be a community where teachers can connect with each other and feel supported. No one knows teaching better than you, and we want to create a space where you can learn from each other. That’s why, […]