Help VISINE® Get Screens into the Hands of Teachers and their Students
Teacher classroom budgets often don’t allow for technology, yet it is essential to give our children a 21st century education. A study by CompTIA, found that 78 percent of teachers surveyed believe technology has a positive effect on classrooms, and 65 percent said it makes students more productive. We’re excited to share that we’ve partnered with […]

Featured Donor: Mesquite’s Southern Lady Improves Learning Results with Gift of Technology
Eighty-eight-year-old Dr. Ann S. Rice is giving back to her community in a stunningly contemporary currency: Chromebooks. Dr. Rice is a lifelong educator who sought no public recognition but has over the past three years become the largest individual contributor to AdoptAClassroom.org, a national nonprofit that provides funding for teachers to purchase supplies and materials they […]

Kennett Teacher Empowered to Bring Technology to Her Classroom
With help from Farmers Insurance, AdoptAClassroom.org and Sheryl Crow surprised every Kennett High School teacher with a $600 classroom adoption in February. Check out the impact this surprise had in one science teacher’s classroom. Michelle McMullan teaches Chemistry at Kennett High School in Missouri. Her chemistry classroom’s budget is approximately $2,000, which isn’t nearly as much as […]

In Mr. Habeck’s Engineering Class, Building the Future Starts Today
Harvey “Buddy” Habeck is on a mission to bring engineering into the classroom in innovative and fun ways. Engineering Technology is a new class for his middle school, and it’s an important one. “Kids are losing touch with the basics of engineering,” he said. “This is a problem, since engineering is one of the oldest […]

3D Printing & the Classroom: Three Misconceptions You Should Forget
Not long ago, 3D printers were a tool of the future. Now, MakerBot Desktop 3D printers are installed in over 5,000 schools across the U.S. You may think 3D printing isn’t a fit for your classroom. Before you make that decision, we’d like to clear up a few misconceptions. 3D printing can help students to think […]