Tag: school program

Heartland Financial USA, Inc. Donates More Than $260,000 in Support of High-Needs Schools
A much-needed and meaningful gift on World Teachers’ Day. This is a particularly challenging year for our K-12 schools, teachers, students, and their families. Schools continue to wrestle with how best to conduct school while maintaining a safe and healthy environment. Whether learning is taking place in the classroom or remotely from home, the burden […]

September Marketplace Update: Back-to-School Shopping
The back-to-school shopping season is here, so now is a great time to use AdoptAClassroom.org donations to purchase the supplies you need to start the school year off right. Whether you’re teaching from home, in the classroom, or a hybrid of both, we have the back-to-school materials you’re looking for. Are you a K-12 teacher […]

Our Commitment to Educators During COVID-19. Because Learning Can’t Stop.
Updated 8/26/2021 Teachers and schools are doing amazing things right now to continue supporting their students during the Coronavirus pandemic. At AdoptAClassroom.org, we are committed to providing teachers and principals with what they need to reach their students. In this unprecedented time, we have been challenged to think of new ways we can support distance […]

Receive School Grants on AdoptAClassroom.org
School grants are one of several ways AdoptAClassroom.org helps fund K-12 schools across the country. How School Grants Work Each year, we invite schools to apply for Spotlight Fund Grants. We have multiple Spotlight Fund grant opportunities for schools throughout the year. Grants are one of several ways AdoptAClassroom.org helps fund K-12 schools across the […]

How to Use Your School Profile Page to Fundraise
If your school has a Public-Facing Profile Page on AdoptAClassroom.org, there are dozens of ways you can use it to reach potential donors and ask for their support. Here are a few ideas, including examples you can copy and paste to share on social media, via email, and more! Note: We encourage you to customize […]

How to Access and Spend Your Funds in 4 Easy Steps
AdoptAClassroom.org makes it easy for teachers, principals, and other school administrators to receive funds and shop for what their students need. Our online marketplace of vendors carries everything from basic school supplies and technology, to books and furniture. Check out these four easy steps on how to access your funds and shop for what your school needs on AdoptAClassroom.org.

Innovation in School Funding: How AdoptAClassroom.org Partners with School Districts
In February 2019, we launched the AdoptAClassroom.org School Program to enable principals and other school administrators to fundraise for school-wide projects and initiatives that benefit all students at their school. Our goal is to provide innovative approaches to school funding.

How to Create Great Videos to Fundraise for Your School
Videos are a great way to tell your school’s story, and describe its needs efficiently and effectively to potential donors. When they hear directly from you, they will be more likely to donate. And, when you receive a donation from an individual donor or a business, thanking them in a short video adds a personal […]

3 Tips to Protect Student Privacy in Photos and Videos
Protecting student privacy is one of the many responsibilities school administrators have to ensure the students at their school are safe. And, because student safety is a priority, we know taking and sharing photos and videos of students can feel overwhelming.
We’re here to help! Check out these three tips to safely take and share great photos and videos of students that protect their privacy.