Tag: PPG

PPG Foundation Transforms STEM Learning for Students
STEM careers are projected to grow 8% by 2029, compared to 3.7% in other careers. Unfortunately, high-needs schools often lack the up-to-date, hands-on equipment and technology required to help students engage in STEM lessons and prepare them for future careers. The PPG Foundation, the philanthropic arm of PPG, a leading paint and coating manufacturer, is […]

PPG Foundation Expands Access to STEM Learning for Students
Integrative STEM learning is essential to prepare students for future careers in a highly technological world. However, not all students have the opportunity to gain an understanding of, and exposure to, the possibilities in STEM. In addition, many high-needs schools often do not have access to the equipment and experiences required to help students get […]

PPG Foundation Teams Up with AdoptAClassroom.org to Advance STEM Education in High-Needs Schools
As a science and technology company, PPG is proud to invest in the next generation of scientists, creators, and engineers. PPG knows the importance of education in creating a diverse, skilled STEM workforce and sustainable communities. PPG Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the leading paint and coating manufacturer, has awarded four STEM grants totaling $40,000 […]