Tag: back-to-school

Our favorite #TeacherFashion of the week (And a #PlusIsEqual S/O!)
In our humble–but definitely accurate–opinion, fall is the best fashion season. As a teacher, you have the added benefit of starting a new year (and a new style) every year around this time. At AdoptAClassroom.org, we have extra reasons to love fall fashion thanks to some of our amazing partners. Have you heard about Lane Bryant‘s #PlusIsEqual campaign? […]

Free Tools for Lesson Planning this School Year
Your class might not be quite ready to start the school year. Students are getting used to those early mornings again and engaging them is not easy. Luckily, they have an awesome teacher who wants to provide them with knowledge. If you could also use a bit of help figuring out ways to inspire them […]

What Style Teacher are You: A Lane Bryant Quiz
Can we guess what kind of teacher you are based on your fashion preferences? With the help of Lane Bryant we’re going to try! Pick your favorites below—then head into any Lane Bryant store to get a 15% teacher discount and support local classrooms across the country.
Our Partnership With jcpenney
We are excited to announce our partnership with jcpenney for the month of August in 2013! We are their official jcp cares non-profit of the month and all round-ups at the register will be donated to AdoptAClassroom.org. 100% of the funds raised will be given to teachers in each stores’ community! Teachers and students need […]
Write a Facebook Note to raise $10
Great news about the Elmer’s “Bag It Forward” campaign: now Facebook users can help! Elmer’s has pledged to donate $10,000 to Adopt-A-Classroom and, at first, only blog posts were accepted as a form of support. However, you can now create a Facebook Note to help raise $10 towards the $10,000 goal. So if you have […]
Contest Alert!
We bet you’re gearing up for Back-to-School — at Adopt-A-Classroom, we certainly are! There are lot of great partnerships that we’re involved with across the country. It’s our hope that these programs create awareness and encourage people to support your classrooms by making donations at AdoptAClassroom.org. When we’re able to announce details about these partnerships, […]
Blog to Raise $10K for Adopt-A-Classroom
For Back-to-School this year, Elmer’s pledged to donate $10,000 to Adopt-A-Classroom as part of its Bag It Forward campaign. Anyone who has a blog can help to raise $10 just by writing a blog post! Here’s how it works: Elmer’s will donate $10 per each post written to Adopt-A-Classroom, up to $10,000. Bloggers participate by […]
Nominate Your Teacher To Go Back To School… IN STYLE
Your minds may be on the upcoming summer, but Adopt-A-Classroom and our national sponsor, Jones New York, are already planning for Back to School with another ‘Back to School, Back to Style’ contest. Check out the 2009 winners here. Now you have the opportunity to nominate your teacher for the 2010 contest! 7 grand prize […]