Fundraising Templates for Classroom Crowdfunding
Social Media Fundraising Images
Want to create more impactful social media posts? Include one of our graphics below when you share your fundraising page link on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media platforms of your choosing.
Facebook and Instagram Fundraising Images

Email Fundraising Templates
Email Fundraising Templates for Contacting Your Personal Network
Use the below email template to ask for donations from your personal network of friends or family.
Subject Line: [Name of Donor], Will you help support my students?
Hi [Donor’s First Name],
As you know, I teach [Subject] at [School Name]. This year has been extremely challenging for my students and their families. Many of my students come to class without the school supplies they need. I’m reaching out to ask you to stand with me and my students this school year. I need your help to ensure my students have everything they deserve to succeed in school.
[Describe a project you have coming up, your specific monthly needs, tell the unique story of your classroom.]
I have an online fundraising page on is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides an easy and accountable way for you to donate and make a real difference for me and my students. Donations are tax-deductible, and everything I order for my classroom gets shipped directly to my school. You even have the option to donate 100% of your online contribution directly to my classroom.
You can support my students and me with a gift online or by mail.
[Insert the direct link to your fundraising page here]
Please note my full name and school with your check, and mail to:
Lockbox 446054
P.O. Box 64078
St Paul MN 55164- 0078
Thank you so much for your generosity and support. Your gift will have an immediate impact on my students, and set them up for a bright future.
[Your name]
Email Template for Contacting Local Businesses, Organizations, and Groups
Use the below template to request donations from local businesses, clubs, groups, parent teacher organizations, chambers of commerce, rotary clubs, and other community organizations.
Subject Line: [Name of Donor], Will you help support my students?
Hi [Donor’s First Name],
As you know, I teach [Subject] at [School Name]. This year has been extremely challenging for my students and their families. Many of my students come to class without the school supplies they need. I’m reaching out to ask you to stand with me and my students this school year. I need your help to ensure my students have everything they deserve to succeed in school.
[Describe a project you have coming up, your specific monthly needs, tell the unique story of your classroom.]
I have an online fundraising page on is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides an easy and accountable way for you to donate and make a real difference for me and my students. Donations are tax-deductible, and everything I order for my classroom gets shipped directly to my school. You even have the option to donate 100% of your online contribution directly to my classroom.
You can support my students and me with a gift online or by mail.
[Insert the direct link to your fundraising page here]
Please note my full name and school with your check, and mail to:
Lockbox 446054
P.O. Box 64078
St Paul MN 55164- 0078
Thank you so much for your generosity and support. Your gift will have an immediate impact on my students, and set them up for a bright future.
[Your name]
Press Release Fundraising Template
To reach out to local media about your classroom fundraiser, copy and paste the below press release template into a Word doc, and fill it in with the information about your classroom. They may even want to interview you!
[City Name] Teacher Turns to Crowdfunding for School Supplies
[School Name] teacher needs to raise $[Amount] for learning materials
[City, State] — [Month] [Day], [Year] — The new school year is in session and teachers are turning to crowdfunding for school supplies on, the national nonprofit that provides funding for U.S. teachers and schools. [School Name] [Teacher Grade and Subject] teacher [Teacher Name] is one of the many teachers who needs support. This school year, they are asking for $[Amount] to their Classroom Fundraising Page on
[Quote from teacher on the need to crowdfund]
Example Quote
“I’ve turned to crowdfunding so I can purchase school supplies for my students so that they don’t have to go without,” said [Teacher Name]. “Although, I am grateful for the funds that my district provides me, there never seems to be enough money to get my students through the year. It’s been especially difficult during a pandemic, since students can’t share supplies with each other and need their own individual learning kits to participate.”
If [Teacher Name] doesn’t crowdfund for supplies, they will have to purchase the classroom materials their students need out of their own pocket. On average, [Teacher Name] spends $[Amount] each school year purchasing supplies, such as [List of Supplies You Purchase] for their students. According to a 2023 survey of 3,244 PreK-12 teachers, the average U.S. teacher spends $860 of their own money each year on classroom supplies.
[Quote from teacher on what a donation would mean]
Example Quote
“If we receive enough funds from our community to purchase the supplies we need for this school year, it would mean the world to my students and me, and level the playing field for everyone in our classroom,” said [Teacher Name]. “It means that every child in my class will have enough pencils, paper, folders, art supplies, hand sanitizer, and tissues. All of my students have the capability to succeed, they just need supplies to make it possible.”
Teachers like [Teacher Name] turn to fundraising on because they receive 100 percent of the online gifts made to their classroom through the website. All donations made through are tax deductible.
Since 1998, has raised $50 million for teachers and schools nationwide, stocking 225,000 classrooms with learning materials. To donate to [Teacher Name]’s Classroom Fundraising Page, visit: [Link to your Classroom Fundraising Page]
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