Help Their Teacher, Help The Child

Teachers spend approximately 7 hours each day, 5 days a week with your student. Multiply that time by weeks in a school year, and teachers spend approximately 1400 hours with your student each year. They play a big role in your child’s life. They are responsible for giving your child an education. Don’t they deserve […]

Going Back Means Giving Back

Days are getting shorter, temperatures will soon be getting crisper, and summer activities are winding down. That can only mean one thing… Back To School season has arrived! For teachers, that means preparing to meet new students, writing new lesson plans, and spending hundreds of dollars to stock their classrooms with much needed teaching supplies.  […]

First Day Photos

We love August because it means it’s time for back-to-school! Each new school year is a time for celebration and making memories with your child. Take a photo of your child as they head off to their first day of school this fall and share it with us using the hashtag #AACbacktoschool Our favorite photos […]