#LookFreshFeelGood: Add AdoptAClassroom.org to your Back to School Look
For teachers and students alike, half the fun of fall is starting the new year off with a fresh look. If you’re anything like us, sometimes the excitement is a little too much, and you start feeling guilty about the frequency of mall-trips and packages showing up on your doorstep.

Subaru Loves Learning
Throughout the month of August, Subaru is helping teachers and students nationwide, by providing the necessary school supplies teachers need to teach, and students need to learn by partnering with AdoptAClassroom.org.

Organizational Tips for a Stress-Free Classroom
Are you feeling the August panic? We know that when your students walk through the door this fall, you’ll have to be ready for anything. The school year is stressful and right now you have a chance to get ahead. You can’t anticipate every challenge you’ll face in the upcoming year, but the physical space […]

Lane Bryant Chalks it up to STYLE for Teachers Again
Lane Bryant is raising their hand again to support teachers! Last year was such a huge success they’re bringing back Chalk it up to STYLE for another year! Check out what they have in store for the entire month of August to raise money for teachers nationwide AND how you can help.

What Style Teacher are You: A Lane Bryant Quiz
Can we guess what kind of teacher you are based on your fashion preferences? With the help of Lane Bryant we’re going to try! Pick your favorites below—then head into any Lane Bryant store to get a 15% teacher discount and support local classrooms across the country.
What’s really involved in your first teaching job: Advice from last year’s Rookies
In our last First Year Teacher post, we shared what last year’s rookie teachers had to say about running their first classrooms. If you’re starting your first teaching job this year, we’re sure you’re expecting and preparing to plan lessons, manage a classroom, and grade papers. What you may not be expecting are all of the other […]

AAC Teams Up with Stage Stores for a #StyleShowdown
This Back-to-School season, support teachers when you vote on your favorite look in the Stage Stores Facebook #StyleShowdown.

Running your first classroom: Advice from last year’s rookies
Forty to fifty percent of new teachers leave within their first five years on the job. Why? Because teaching is hard. More is expected of teachers than they could comprehend before starting the job. Teachers are lesson-planners, disciplinarians, fundraisers, administrators, emotional-support systems, and more.

#RAISEAHAND for Teachers with thredUP
Did you know that seven out of 10 teachers purchase apparel items like jackets, socks, and shoes for their students? Proper school clothing for students is more important than you might think. 85% of teachers we surveyed said that students lack confidence when they come to class without the proper clothing or supplies.