Classroom Funds Allow Teacher’s Vision to Become Reality
High school teacher Laurie Rodriguez was shocked to find out that she was one of the teachers granted a $2,500 award through the Farmers Insurance Thank America’s Teachers program. “I didn’t expect to win because usually I don’t win anything I apply for,” Laurie shared. “Then one day I was checking my email and my kids […]

Bring Happier Holidays to Your Small Business with AAC
It’s the holiday season, and your small business is likely looking for an effective way to show appreciation to your employees and customers. If you do it right, you can increase employee engagement, encourage customer loyalty, and do good in your local community–all in one swoop. If you’re interested in making the most of this holiday […]

Why donate on Give to the Max Day? We can think of 10,000 reasons.
Each year, generous supporters like you celebrate Give to the Max Day by making your online donation on GiveMN.org. Your generosity on this day makes a difference far beyond the 24-hour giving event. Please join us on November 12, 2015 for Give to the Max Day and help us continue to support teachers and students succeed. Your […]

In Mr. Habeck’s Engineering Class, Building the Future Starts Today
Harvey “Buddy” Habeck is on a mission to bring engineering into the classroom in innovative and fun ways. Engineering Technology is a new class for his middle school, and it’s an important one. “Kids are losing touch with the basics of engineering,” he said. “This is a problem, since engineering is one of the oldest […]

3D Printing & the Classroom: Three Misconceptions You Should Forget
Not long ago, 3D printers were a tool of the future. Now, MakerBot Desktop 3D printers are installed in over 5,000 schools across the U.S. You may think 3D printing isn’t a fit for your classroom. Before you make that decision, we’d like to clear up a few misconceptions. 3D printing can help students to think […]

Classrooms Needing Disaster Relief: Pelion Middle and Manning High Schools
“We have been out of school for a week. Several students lost workbooks when their homes flooded. Some of our classrooms were also affected and we lost things like headphones for the computers. Myself and several other teachers lost their homes and cars. It has been just devastating to say the least.” – Kim Roper, […]

The Art Institutes Promotes Outside of the Box Thinking with Uncontainable – The Ultimate Art Challenge
THE CHALLENGE: Transform a standard industrial-grade shipping container into an epic work of art. THE ARTISTS: Two teams of The Art Institutes® students THE TIME/THE PLACE: 12:00PM CST in Austin, Texas Watch the live stream below and witness real-time […]

Teacher Uses Supplies to Get Students Excited About Math
As a student, Jameson Ivey struggled with math. As a math teacher, she incorporates fun activities to engage her students during class. “I could probably teach with just a textbook and a plain piece of paper but it’s not engaging.” Ivey teaches sixth grade math to about 100 students per year at Battle Creek Middle […]

Apply for Tech Funding with the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Contest
Teachers, need help getting technology in your classroom? Can you “show how STEM can be applied to help improve your local community?” Samsung USA is looking for teachers for their Solve for Tomorrow contest. You have until November to apply for the following opportunities: STATE WINNERS 255 State Winners will receive two Galaxy Tablets STATE […]