Help Us Raise a Hand for First-Year Teachers!
Many first-year teachers are walking into nearly empty classrooms this fall, only to find out that they’re responsible for stocking them with supplies. This problem affects both teachers and their students, so AdoptAClassroom.org is lending a hand with our Twin Cities, MN and Columbus, OH First-Year Teacher Funds. With these funds, new teachers working for Twin Cities, Minnesota and Columbus, […]

Film Teacher Uses His Creative Skills to Raise $15,000 for His Classroom
Lance Madzey teaches film and television at Natrona County High School in Casper, Wyoming, and chose to use AdoptAClassroom.org to raise $15,300 for his media program, Natrona County Television (NCTV), and he’s almost there! Since launching his fundraising campaign in July, the project has received over $13,000 in donations on AdoptAClassroom.org. When Madzey reaches his goal, he plans […]

Farmers Insurance Starts the School Year Brighter for This Kindergarten Teacher
Farmers Insurance gives over 1 million dollars throughout the year to help fund teachers on AdoptAClassroom.org with their “Thank America’s Teachers” program. Roseanna Gonzales teaches Kindergarten at Canyon Breeze Elementary in Avondale, Arizona. She was awarded $2,500 to her AdoptAClassroom.org account after submitting a proposal to Farmers Insurance for the Thank America’s Teachers program. Roseanna wasn’t […]

Beyond The Backpack: Preparing Kindergartners for Success in School
In August, parents make costly back-to-school purchases for their children or students. It’s an annual tradition for many. But many parents are unable to provide their children with supplies they need for school. On Saturday, August 6 Nick Jr., Mall of America and AdoptAClassroom.org alleviated some of the financial burden at the Beyond the Backpack event. Together, our three […]

Participate in our Back-to-School Giveaway!
The new school year is a time for excitement, nerves, goals, plans, and tons of hard work. But at AdoptAClassroom.org, we think it’s also time for a GIVEAWAY! Our awesome vendors have pitched in to make sure that this year, you can accomplish all of your goals in the classroom. Starting on Monday, August 29, […]

Introducing the Teachers’ Lounge: Grants, Contests, and a Chance at $25 for Your Classroom!
At AdoptAClassroom.org we want to be more than just a website you use to fund your classroom. We want to be a community that supports you in all different facets of your teaching challenges. You may remember “Teachers2Teachers,” our place for you to ask questions and give answers for a chance to win $25. The […]

What’s your teacher personality?
Can we guess what kind of teacher you are based on your favorite classroom accessories? With the help of Lane Bryant we’re going to try! Pick your favorites below and don’t forget to head into any Lane Bryant store to get a 15% teacher discount and support local classrooms. 1. Choose your ideal desk: 2. […]

Featured Donor: Mesquite’s Southern Lady Improves Learning Results with Gift of Technology
Eighty-eight-year-old Dr. Ann S. Rice is giving back to her community in a stunningly contemporary currency: Chromebooks. Dr. Rice is a lifelong educator who sought no public recognition but has over the past three years become the largest individual contributor to AdoptAClassroom.org, a national nonprofit that provides funding for teachers to purchase supplies and materials they […]

Chalk it up to Style with Lane Bryant
It’s Lane Bryant’s 3rd Year Supporting Teachers with Chalk it up to STYLE. Lane Bryant is raising their hand again to support teachers! Check out all their offerings throughout the entire month of August to help teachers get ready for back to school, freshen up their wardrobes and classroom supplies. Register Round Up During the […]