How to Access and Spend Your Funds in 4 Easy Steps
AdoptAClassroom.org makes it easy for teachers, principals, and other school administrators to receive funds and shop for what their students need. Our online marketplace of vendors carries everything from basic school supplies and technology, to books and furniture. Check out these four easy steps on how to access your funds and shop for what your school needs on AdoptAClassroom.org.

Neil Patrick Harris Supports Teachers
Everyone remembers at least one teacher who made a life-long impact on them. Even award-winning actor Neil Patrick Harris still thinks about the teacher who taught him music at a young age. That’s why he is partnering with AdoptAClassroom.org and spreading the message that teachers need school supplies. To highlight that teachers need support this […]

Teacher Tips for Engaging Students in Learning
Alex is a music teacher supporting three different high school choirs: Jazz Choir, Concert Choir, Varsity Choir; plus a middle school choir, and 6th grade music exploration. He also teaches a music theater appreciation class and a glee class. Overall, he has over 300 students in his relatively new music program. Like any teacher, he […]

Qualified charitable distribution could help you meet your goals
If you’re interested in making a transformational gift to support classrooms, a Qualified Charitable Distribution might be exactly what you’re looking for. And, it can benefit you, too. AdoptAClassroom.org makes it easy to start the process of giving with a QCD. What is a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)? A qualified charitable distribution (QCD) is a […]

4 Classroom Consumables Teachers Purchase
Teachers make a lot of surprising out-of-pocket purchases for their classrooms. As a result, they spend an average of $740 each year on school supplies. This sounds shocking to some. It’s not surprising when 60 percent of the top five teacher purchases are classroom consumables that need to be replaced throughout the year. Unfortunately, 92% […]

Donation Match Challenge: Support an Impactful New Choir Program
Alex Ferderer is the director of a new choral music program at Open World Learning (OWL) Community, a grade 6-12 school in St. Paul, MN. As music programs across the nation are being cut or disappearing completely, St. Paul Public Schools saw the value in creating a completely new program for their students. The program […]

Win a Back-To-School Teacher Giveaway from Staples
This giveaway has concluded. Visit our Teacher Funding Opportunities page to learn more about current and upcoming educator funding opportunities from AdoptAClassroom.org. Teachers purchase extra learning materials for their students not because it’s their job, but because they care. That’s why we wanted to celebrate with a teacher giveaway. We’re partnering with Staples to thank teachers who […]

Thank You Burlington Stores For Three Successful Years of Supporting Classrooms
Burlington Stores raised more than $2 million this back-to-school season for classrooms coast to coast. We want to give a huge shout out to Burlington Stores and all of their 45,000 associates across the country for partnering with AdoptAClassroom.org for the third year in a row. It is because of your dedication and hard work […]

Kona Ice Partners With AdoptAClassroom.org for Third Consecutive Year!
We’re thrilled to partner with Kona Ice for the third year! Over the past two years, our partnership with Kona Ice has helped fund classrooms in need of support nationwide. Together, we’ve helped teachers purchase the school supplies they needed to keep their classroom stocked with the learning materials their students were lacking. According to a […]