Giving Tuesday Donation Match When You Give to

Donation Match! Give directly to on December 3, 2024 and your donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar by generous donors, up to $7,500. Make a Giving Tuesday donation to spread holiday cheer for classrooms! is a national nonprofit that provides classroom donations to PreK-12 teachers and schools throughout the U.S. so they can purchase the school supplies their students need to learn and succeed. We hold the highest rating of platinum from Candid (Guidestar) and four stars from Charity Navigator.

How your gift can spread holiday cheer for teachers.

Teacher spending has increased by 14% since 2021 to an average of $860 per year. Unfortunately, this means most teachers aren’t just spending their own money on school supplies. They’re spending more than ever before. We don’t think that’s right.

Your gift helps ensure every child has the supplies they need to succeed in school. 

And, for Giving Tuesday your gift will be doubled. That means you give twice the pencils, twice the notebooks, twice the joy!

For teachers like Amanda, Stephanie, and Tarra, a donation to their classroom is the difference between paying for supplies out of pocket and having the tools they need to teach. Read on to learn about the impact your gift can make.

Who does your gift help? Teachers like Amanda, Stephanie, and Tarra.

Amanda is an elementary special education teacher in Michigan who has been teaching since 2005. On a tight budget it’s a challenge to make sure every student has what they need to feel safe, comfortable, and excited about learning. This is especially difficult when you don’t have the supplies you need. For Amanda’s special education students, she also has to be sure that she can meet their individual learning needs. Luckily, donors were there to help.

Amanda received donations that were a holiday miracle for her classroom! Every week, Amanda took her students on a walk to the office to pick up new packages she purchased with generous donations. 

Here’s Amanda’s students looking at new school supplies donated by supporters:

“The students would ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ as the package was opened. We all discussed exactly how we were going to use the scissors to cut up the paper and make Christmas trees and snowflakes. It was certainly a magical holiday season with all the games and decorations. You helped me make my classroom a place where students felt like they belonged.”

– Amanda, Teacher

Now let’s introduce Stephanie. Stephanie teaches English in Tennessee to a group of enthusiastic elementary school students who are learning English as a second language. The pandemic interrupted the normal learning experience for all students and presented unique challenges for Stephanie’s class. While learning from home, her students didn’t get the opportunity to practice English regularly with their peers. 

“I want to make sure that every child feels respected and has the resources and materials they need in order to succeed in life.”

– Stephanie, Teacher donors helped Stephanie stock her classroom with materials to meet the emerging needs of her students. 

Taking the learning out of the classroom and into students’ homes is important, so Stephanie purchased bilingual books and word cards every student could take home. This meant they could practice with their families! 

Finally, let’s look at Tarra’s class. According to teacher Tarra, you won’t meet a kinder, harder working group of students than her third grade classroom. One of the biggest challenges her students face is having reliable access to everyday items and food. 

Tarra knows just how important it is to ensure every child starts the day off on an even playing field. When her third graders come in the classroom, they know they don’t have to ask twice for some toothpaste or a granola bar. 

“Many of my students’ families don’t have money for food, so what they eat at school is all of the food they get. If you could see these sweet faces and how excited they get to have snacks every day you would know that every penny you donated was worth it.”

– Tarra, Teacher

The financial burden for Tarra is huge, though. If she doesn’t get donations, she has to pay for these items out of her own pocket. These aren’t items that are rarely factored into a classroom budget. donors made it possible for Tarra to ensure students get a snack every day. 

Every time you donate to, there is a teacher like Amanda, Stephanie, and Tarra celebrating. Thank you for supporting teachers this Giving Tuesday!

If you give on December 3, 2024, your donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to $7,500.

Note: This match applies only to donors who give directly to at this link on December 3, 2024. Check our blog for more information about our $35,000 donation match for classrooms closer to Giving Tuesday.