Paper Mate Thanks Teachers With Flair (And Funding)

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, Paper Mate teamed up with to thank teachers for everything they do to inspire their students. Paper Mate invites you to join their mission as the brand promises to donate $1 for every Paper Mate product purchase to support teachers in need* now through May 31st. 

Through Paper Mate’s partnership with, they will help 20,000 teachers equip more than 500,000 students with the supplies they need to thrive in school. Here’s how Paper Mate used their donation to ensure classrooms end the school year on a high note:

Teacher Appreciation Week Flash Fund

For Teacher Appreciation Week, Paper Mate surprised 450 teachers with a donation to purchase classroom supplies. That’s enough to equip more than 11,250 students with the learning tools they need to thrive in school and would otherwise go without.

An survey found that 82% of teachers spend their own money purchasing basic school supplies like writing tools alone. The average teacher spends $750 out-of-pocket each year to ensure their students have the tools they need to succeed in school.

Paper Mate and Max Greenfield team up with to Surprise Los Angeles High-Needs Charter School

To kick-off their nationwide support of teachers, Paper Mate enlisted actor, children’s book author and all-around teacher fan, Max Greenfield to help them surprise The Accelerated School’s ACES Elementary School with a $20,000 donation.

The donation was equally divided among all of the school’s high-needs teachers and disbursed through The teachers and students were overwhelmed with joy by the Paper Mate brand’s generosity and acknowledged how much it helps them as they try to keep their students equipped with the resources they need to be successful in school. 

Greenfield and Paper Mate also surprised the teachers of the school with custom gift bags full of classroom supplies to get them started, including Flair Pens, InkJoy Gel Pens, ClearPoint Mechanical Pencils and more!

Celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week with Paper Mate! They’re encouraging you to thank teachers in your lives by sharing your appreciation on social media and using the hashtag #ThankstoTeachers.

*Paper Mate is donating $1 to for every Paper Mate product purchased April 17th through May 31st, up to $100,000.