recently learned that an online source is reporting an alleged data breach involving our organization. According to this source, the alleged breach took place in early 2017. We have been unable to obtain any supporting detail from the online source.

We have investigated this allegation internally, and we have found no evidence of unauthorized access to either our donor or teacher database. Accordingly, we have discovered no evidence that your personal information was compromised.

We place the utmost importance on information security in our operations, and it is important for the donors and the teachers that we serve to note that:

  1. We DO NOT store sensitive personal information such as social security numbers or credit card information, or birth dates. Credit card transactions are processed directly by a third-party credit card processor and are neither collected nor retained by’s servers.
  2. In July 2017, we completed a multi-year project to entirely replace our online business systems. This system replacement required all teachers who were registered on our site at that time to create new passwords that had to meet new, more stringent, security standards in order to log into our new system. There currently is no mechanism for donors to log into our new system.

Though we do not believe that log on credentials have been compromised, no system is perfect, and we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any or all of the information you transmit through our web site. You should always exercise safe and sound Internet security practices, such as:

  • Do not use the same user name and password for multiple websites.
  • Update your user name and passwords periodically.
  • Use a password that contains a variety of letters (including capitalization), numbers, and special characters.
  • Use a secure password manager to ensure strong password creation and to aid in managing your credentials across the web

Adopt A Classroom takes your data privacy and online security very seriously. If you have any concerns, or if you have questions about our data security policies and practices, please contact us at Privacy Policy