Yesterday, all across the country, people took time out of their lives to remember a teacher who made a difference in their life, and to thank them for all they do. Teacher Appreciation Day is always a special day for us at, but this year was truly above and beyond. The excitement and enthusiasm around thanking teachers was a beautiful reminder of the impact teachers make in the world. Teachers enter their classrooms every day ready to not only educate, but to encourage, inspire, care for, and renew hope for students.
To celebrate teachers this year, we decided to give away 10 teacher emergency kits to teachers randomly selected from our Facebook and Twitter pages. This gift is a small way to demonstrate our support for teachers and an understanding that every little bit helps.
Teachers are an inspiring group of individuals. We were specifically impressed by the support and camaraderie of the teacher network. Watching teachers congratulate teachers for winning prize kits was heartwarming.
We are proud to serve teachers. Thank you for your dedication to our students and communities.
– The team
Curious about how to be involved in a teacher’s classroom? Check out our website and a find a teacher in your community. We promise you’ll be amazed by the teachers you find.